Antioxidant- Green Tea

Why Our Body Needs Antioxidants

The nutrients or enzymes that are capable of counteracting the damage that is caused due to the free radicals are called as antioxidants. Antioxidants are natural compounds that help to neutralize free radicals which can cause numerous types of diseases. For instance, green tea antioxidants play a vital role in preserving overall health.

Free Radicals Damage DNA

Free radicals are generated by the sunlight’s action, sometimes breathed in from the air or are extracted from food. These radicals kill cells to acquire their missing molecule when they are on the attack. As a result, a cell’s DNA alters resulting in cell mutation – growing and reproducing abnormally.

“If free radicals simply killed a cell, it wouldn’t be so bad… the body could just regenerate another one. The problem is, free radicals often injure the cell, damaging the DNA, which creates the seed for disease.” Source: webmd

Green Tea Antioxidants – A Powerhouse

Having a balanced diet with plenty of fresh vegetables, drinking fresh juices and antioxidant rich beverages like green tea especially Japanese green tea is one of the easiest ways to ensure that you are getting enough valuable antioxidants.

Antioxidants in Beverages

Few types of beverages, but particularly green tea, black tea and red wine have been heavily promoted for their antioxidant benefits, as they include huge amount of natural polyphenols.

Green Tea Antioxidants

A different type of antioxidant called catechins is present in this green brew. Drinking green tea daily has the potential to not only reduce the risk of cancer but also the risk of reoccurring cancer, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. Consuming freshly brewed Green tea provides multiple benefits. It boosts up metabolism rate that assists you to stay lean. Plus, green tea helps in fighting signs of ageing like wrinkles, fine lines, black-spots etc.

Red Wine

More antioxidants are found in red wine, such as Cabernet. Red wines contain resveratrol and a group of antioxidants called anthocyanins, which help to protect against cardiovascular disease and controls blood pressure.

Fruits & Vegetables Containing Antioxidants

The best antioxidant sources are vitamins A, C and E. Plus, the products derived from plants, fruits and vegetables are among the top sources. Some excellent choices include:

  • Berries and Cherries
  • Apples And Pears
  • Citrus Fruits
  • Eggplant
  • Cabbage
  • Broccoli
  • Legumes
  • Spinach
  • Red Kidney Beans or Black Beans
  • Dark Chocolate

Research has shown that antioxidants are helpful in the prevention of a number of diseases like…

  1. Cancer
  2. Ageing signs- Wrinkles, black-spots etc.
  3. Immune dysfunction
  4. Cataracts
  5. Alzheimer’s
  6. Cardiovascular disease
  7. Macular degeneration
  8. Cognitive impairment

A Varied Diet

Different parts of the body require diverse antioxidants. For instance, the flavonoids found in green tea, cocoa and chocolate are good for your heart, the beta carotene in carrots maintains eye health, lycopene in tomatoes contributes to prostate health, etc. The USDA recommends that you eat a varied diet in order to ensure that you get plenty of antioxidants in your daily diet.  However, make sure these are not from capsules.  Because, unlike a cup of green tea, the green tea pills cannot impart all health benefits.

Source: Article Online – “Why our body needs antioxidants”