Health Benefits of Green Tea

Boost Insulin With Green Tea

The most favorite drinks across continents is green tea. Many researches too have recommended it as green tea is good for health. But now the question rises about how diabetics can be controlled or prevented using Japanese green drink.

Green Tea Prevent Diabetes
Green Tea Prevents Diabetes

Tea brings to the table a number of health rewards. One such health benefits of green tea for diabetes is improving insulin sensitivity. This is a great boon for the diabetic patients. Moreover there is evidence that drinking this super drink can help prevent diabetes.

 One study found that Japanese adults who drank more than six cups of green tea a day had a much lower risk (33 percent) of developing type 2 diabetes than those who drank a cup or less a day. Likewise number of smaller studies found that green tea extract lowered blood sugar levels in people who were borderline diabetic. Source: Everydayhealth

Is Green Tea Good For Type 2 Diabetes?

Green beverage consumption was inversely linked with occurrence of type 2 diabetes. Further research shows that those who drank four cups of tea per day were 16 % less likely to be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes as compared to the non-drinkers. Also, those people who drink less than 4 cups of green tea per day had 7% less risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus in contrast to those who did not consume.

The researchers concluded, “A linear inverse association was observed between tea consumption and incidence of type 2 diabetes. People who drink at least 4 cups of tea per day may have a 16% lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes than non-non tea drinkers.” Source: diabetesincontrol  

Green Tea Is Good For Health

Japanese Matcha Health-Benefits

There are huge health benefits of matcha tea that can even help diabetic people. Following are the advantages of consuming green tea:

  1. Getting better insulin sensitivity
  2. Keeping up healthy blood pressure
  3. Preventing blood clots and thus reduce risk of cardiovascular disease
  4. Reducing risks of developing type 2 diabetes
  5. Dropping risks of developing cancer

How Can Green Tea Help Diabetes?

Green tea is a rich source of polyphenols.  As a result it increases insulin activity. 

Polyphenols contain anti-oxidative properties. They help to facilitate protection against inflammation and carcinogens. In other words, the properties in tea can help to prevent type 2 diabetes as well as cancer.

A Dutch study from 2009 indicates that drinking three cups of tea (or coffee) could reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 40%.

Some more factors that can aid to prevent type 2 diabetes include:

  1. Regular consumption of fresh vegetables
  2. Doing Physical activity
  3. Avoiding alcohol intake low
  4. Eating minimum amounts of processed foodstuff
  5. No smoking

Japanese green brew comes with highly desirable delicate balance of taste and health. To reap the health benefits of green tea order now!