
Enhance Green Tea With Honey For Weight Loss

They say “All that glitters is not gold!” But in the case of honey, this statement may just ring true. This golden syrup is loaded with a diverse variety of enzymes and flavonoids. Moreover green tea with honey is very beneficial both for weight management and health. Further, a daily dose of honey will not only delight your sweet tooth, but also boost the levels of antioxidants in the blood. After all, it is one of the best natural source of carbohydrate that provides strength and energy.

Green Tea With Honey Benefits :

Raw and unfiltered honey when used in combination with other food items and beverages exerts positive effect on the body. We bring to you one such powerful combination of honey that work wonders on your health and beauty.

Green Tea with Honey and Lemon
Green Tea with Honey and Lemon |
Image – Freepik

“A tablespoon of raw honey contains 64 calories, is fat-free, cholesterol-free, and sodium-free”, says the National Honey Board.

Green tea is one of the most widely consumed beverages globally. It is a delicious source of flavonoids and other phyto-nutrients. The brew delivers antioxidants and a gentle energy lift without any help. As there are innumerable health benefits of green tea with this nectar. For instance, belly fat reduction and reducing weight. Experts recommend drinking 2 to 3 cups per day consumed as a soothing hot beverage. Also, iced green tea with honey makes for an energizing refreshment.

Japanese Green Tea And Honey Benefits Weight Loss

What a sweet way to weight loss, isn’t it?

Natural Health Booster

It is advised never to consume green brew with sugar, because the main purpose of  green tea is to rejuvenate and amplify your health. Sugar is not the ideal combination for the beverage.

Green tea and honey a classic combination loved by most health experts. The fusion also offers
myriad health benefits. Primarily, honey being a naturally sweetens your brew. Further, the antioxidant content in it boosts up the health benefits of green tea.

Great Weight Loss Drink

Do you aspire sporting a flat stomach and a well toned body? Well, this green brew and honey are here to help! The duo are known to promote weight management. Studies reveal how green tea boosts the metabolic rate, aids in shedding fats and losing weight.

“Most people are looking at things that can help them reduce the excess calories they have recently gained. For most of them, the good news is that having a few cups of green tea combined with honey on a regular basis can actually help them relieve the excess calories. Green brew boosts the metabolism in the body while honey reduces the calories. Fat oxidation by this combination is increased by about 17 per cent.” Source: Boldsky

The rich and delicious honey mobilizes the stored fats and helps in burning them for energy. The combo of this ambrosia and green tea has loads of bio-active compounds.  This helps you lose weight and lowering the risk of becoming obese. Several studies also show that drinking green tea and honey leads to reduction in body fat, especially in the abdominal area.

Try this perfect blend of this green brew and precious nectar. Its also a great way to start a refreshing day.  Moreover, it keeps those extra inches tucked away! So, brew yourself a cup and start losing weight today!