How to Make Green Tea?

Green tea is a wonderful beverage loaded with huge benefits. The most common method to prepare green tea involves placing the leaves in a teapot followed by adding hot water. The preparation is then left to infuse for a certain amount of time. Having said that, if you want to the right flavor and derive all the health benefits of green tea, then you got to brew it the right way. Following are some guidelines that show how to make green tea at home.

Drink Green Tea
Drink Green Tea | Source:

How To Make Green Tea At Home?

To prepare a “perfect cup” of tea and reap full advantages of green tea, the type of tea leaves used, water type, water temperature and amount of time the tea is left to infuse are some of the main points that help to determine the flavour and aroma of the tea.

1. Choosing The Right Water

Generally, the best type of water to use in making this brew is soft water because soft water is low in calcium and other minerals and is very slightly acidic. But if you are using tap water to prepare green tea, it is always better to boil it first. Doing so will remove any chlorine odour from the water. Avoid hard water due to its high calcium or magnesium proportion.

2. Water Temperature, Flavor and Aroma

Water temperature plays an important part in determining the taste and aroma of tea. However, different types of tea require different water temperatures because every tea contains different components in it which require different temperatures to dissolve.

For example; the astringency components like catechins seep out at temperatures over 80 degrees C, whereas the flavour components like the amino acids [theanine] require a lower temperature of around 50 degrees C to dissolve.

  • “Never steep the tea leaves for any longer as it makes your tea taste bitter.
  • Also never steep the tea leaves in extreme hot water.
  • Tea connoisseurs do not recommend the usage of microwave to heat the water.
  • Never touch the tea leaves with your fingers and always you a clean spoon while preparing as they are very sensitive and can easily lack freshness and nutrition.
  • Drink this beverage only when it is warm or little hot and freshly made.
  • Never compromise on cost when buying the green tea leaves as it might affect it’s quality and also rarity.” Source:  thefitindian

3. Following Are The Temperatures To Be Noted:

  1. For Sencha, the temperature of around 70 degrees C is recommended.
  2. If you prefer astringent Sencha, water over 80 degrees C is recommended.
  3. For Gyokuro, a lower temperature is recommended to draw out the flavour more slowly.
  4. Hojicha and Genmaicha require boiling water or water close to 100 degrees C.

Best Way To Prepare Tea

Making of Green Tea
Making of Green Tea | Image Credit:
  1. Heat water at the appropriate temperature depending as per your tea type (Matcha /Sencha). The ideal temperature to make green tea is 80  ͦc  to 85°c. So be careful that the water it’s not boiling rather it must be near to the boiling point. If accidentally it starts boiling, turn off the flame and let it cool a bit and then it should be ready for use.
  2. Now take a mug and place a sieve/ strainer over it.
  3. Pour the water into the tea mug and let the tea steep for 3 minutes max so that the tea’s components infuse.
  4. Now take out the sieve and add some sugar or some honey
  5. Let the drink cool a few seconds and enjoy your cup of green tea.

Steps To Prepare Foamy Matcha Tea

Place one teaspoon of matcha into a small bowl and use into your strainer to strain the matcha powder.  This will ensure there are no clumps so your tea will be smooth.

 Slowly pour cup of not-quite-boiling water into the center of the bowl. (You can also use milk or your alt-milk of choice.)

Whisk briskly in an up-and-down motion (like writing the letters M and W) until the tea is bright green and frothy, 15-20 seconds. Source: bonappetit