Drink Green Tea Burn Fat

Lose Belly Fat – 10 Quick Tips That Work

Three things that will make your dream of flat abs true are: workouts, diet and rest.  It is important to lose belly fat not only to rein in that forever expanding waistline, but also to prevent the associated health issues such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, dementia and cancer.

Tips to lose belly fat:

Here’s a list of quick tips that will help you reduce belly fat. Check them out they work!

Tip 1: Do aerobic, running, and core exercises

Why it works: Planks, side stretches and squats improve body posture and strengthen back muscles while running and aerobics will facilitate fast burning of calories and help weight loss.

Exercise for Belly Fat Reduction | Freepick
Exercise for Belly Fat Reduction | People image created by Yanalya – Freepik.com

Tip 2: Take a five minute brisk walk or climb stars as often as possible

Why it works: Small bursts of exercise with brief resting periods will not only help build endurance but also improve muscle tone.

Tip 3: Drink atleast two litres of water daily

Why it works: Sufficient intake of water keeps a check on appetite and flushes out the toxins; and is ofcourse good for the tummy.

Tip 4: Drink three to five cups of green tea everyday

Why it works: Belly fat reduction is one of the benefits of Green tea.  It contains high concentration of polyphenols (antioxidants) and catechins that increase fat metabolism and aid fat-burning.

Tip 5: Morning drink made from one cup of apple cider vinegar mixed with a glass of water

Why it works: It naturally stimulates the bile and prevents acid re-flux thereby keeping the stomach pH levels balanced.

Tip 6: Eat protein rich and soluble-fiber loaded breakfast

Why it works: Foods such as eggs, oats, nuts, fresh fruits and green vegetables keep blood sugar levels in check hence aid weight reduction.

Tip 7: Garnish yummy eats like smoothies with chia seeds

Why it works: Its got omega 3 fatty acids and high protein that keeps blood sugar levels stable.  Furthermore, when these chia seeds are added to healthy drinks, they create a feeling of fullness.

Tip 8: De-stress to lose belly fat

Why it works: Stress which is responsible for secretion of cortisol is correlated with increase in abdomen fat, so it is important to de-stress via meditation, deep breathing and sufficient rest.

Tip 9: Eat before 8 pm and eat slowly

Why it works: Early dinner is good for digestion and helps in reducing weight. Also, slowing down on eating automatically keeps you focused on each bite and on the feeling of fullness. This inturn lowers the level of cortisol and decreases the quantity of food you consume.

Tip 10: Get enough sleep

Why it works: Workouts and diet help reduce flab only if you are getting sufficient sleep. According to exercise researcher Michele Olson, PHD of Auburn University, “There’s a definite association between lack of sleep, increased stress hormones, and weight gain”.

Finally to reduce belly fat – Weigh & measure:

Once you commence your weight loss regime it is important to measure and weigh yourself daily. There are two things that need to be done.  One is to calculate the waist to hip ratio – it should be in 0.8 or lower in women and 0.9 or below in case of men. And second is to weigh yourself at the same time each day. Making a daily note of these quantifiable check points will act as a motivating factor in the journey to belly fat reduction.