Traditional Japanese Matcha Green Tea

Japan’s Matcha – The Most Popular Green Tea

Japanese green tea matcha available in the market world over is in the form of finely ground powder.  However, the plant of grows in the misty mountains of Japan. It’s growing and harvesting process contributes to its vibrant green color. Thus, imparting incredible health benefits to the tea. And therefore, Matcha is very popular for its use in the traditional Japanese tea ceremonies.

Growing & Harvesting Green Tea Matcha

The tea bushes are covered a few weeks before harvesting . In other words, the tea plants grow in shade. This aids slowing down of growth. Thereby promoting the production of amino acids and chlorophyll.

Once harvested, the tea leaves are moved indoors. Then they are laid out flat to dry.  Next, the dry leaves are stone ground. The result is a fine, bright green and talc-like powder known as Matcha.

Noteworthy: –

The highest premium quality of Japanese Matcha is bright green in colour.  A slightly brown, yellow or beige shade indicates poor quality tea.

Drinking Matcha Green Tea Supercharges You!

Matcha Green Tea
Japanese Tea | Source:

Ample of evidences about Matcha’s high antioxidant content flood the internet.

“Matcha green tea contains over six times the antioxidants in goji berries. Moreover, it has seven times the antioxidants in dark chocolate. And 17 times more antioxidants than blueberries. Above all, it has 60 times the antioxidants found in spinach. And that’s just in one teaspoon! Matcha contains 137 times more of the popular antioxidant found in regular green tea.” Source:

In addition, Matcha holds an impressive ORAC score of over 1300.  ORAC is a measure of antioxidant value. The value therefore,  demonstrates the brew’s superior level of antioxidants.  As per USDA,  the recommendation is 3,000- 5,000 ORAC units per day.

How Matcha Tea Benefits

Matcha is a good source of antioxidants. Its a trove of various vitamins and minerals. This green powder has calcium, chromium and manganese.  It also has potassium, selenium and zinc.  Studies show significant levels of amino acids, beta-carotine, and catechins present in green tea.

Anti-Aging Benefits

Matcha tea is full of anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. The powerful cancer fighting flavonoids in green tea help improve memory and cognition. It also helps cardiovascular health and brain function. All of this aids in increasing the life expectancy and overall longevity.

Other Health Advantages Of Matcha

  • Controlling high blood pressure and cholesterol.
  • Reducing the risk of diabetes.
  • Reducing physical and psychological stress.
  • Aiding in Weight loss via enhancing metabolism.
  • Boosting the immune system.
  • Reducing bad breath.
  • Improving longevity & supporting anti-aging.
  • The naturally occurring compounds – EGCG  inhibits breast tumor growth. And also helps remove free radicals.
  • Matcha green tea is a renowned detoxifying agent.  Therefore, it helps remove heavy metals. It also flushes out chemical toxins from the body.
  • This brew has antioxidants and anti-inflammatory qualities. So it promotes healthy and radiant skin.  Matcha alleviates eczema.  This green powder also reduces acne breakouts. Furthermore, it enhances sunscreen protection.

Japanese Matcha is a favorite drink of health experts. It also occupies a special place in many house holds.