(Caffeine and EGCG) in green tea

How To Use Green Tea For Hair Loss – Control Hair Fall Now

Stress and typhoid are the number one reason for hair loss. It is an utter disappointment to wake up with strands of hair all over the pillow. One of the keys to solving this problem is to use green tea for hair loss. So, if you have been suffering from hair fall, read this post.  It talks about why should you add green tea to your life.  You will also read about how to use it in order to achieve the best results.r

Know Green Tea Benefits For Hair

There are so many health benefits of green tea. The list ranges from fat burning virtue to advantages for your skin, including green tea for hair loss and and much more…

Primarily, the brew contains some of the most powerful antioxidants and agents, which help strengthen your mane. Check out some of the green tea uses for hair:

  1. Vitamin B – This nutrient is usually found in many hair care products which helps to control split ends, softens your hair, and strengthens the hair follicle. Consuming it by having green tea or through direct application onto your scalp will help stimulate the growth of your tresses.
  2. “EGCG” (or epigallocatechin gallate) is another powerful antioxidant in the beverage that has the ability to amplify growth of your mane. Directly applying green tea on the scalp will results in a significant advantages for the hair follicle.
  3. Japanese green tea also contains anti-inflammatory properties which promotes hair growth while arresting hair loss. As a healthy scalp promotes hair growth, you can use the drink to cleanse the scalp and fight scalp infections that may weaken your hair roots.
  4. The beverage further contains DHT-blockers called “5-alpha-reductase” which are one of the main suppressors of baldness. The good news is that unlike prescriptive hair loss treatments, it has no side effects.

How To Use Green Tea For Hair loss?

Green Tea Rinse

After washing your hair as normal, massage cool, freshly brewed green tea into your scalp. Leave it on for 10 minutes, and then rinse it out. For better results repeat 2 to 3 times a week. This rinse stimulates your hair follicles and aids in preventing scalp problems like dandruff.

Shampoo & Conditioner With Green Tea Extracts

Use 100% natural and organic shampoo and conditioner which has green tea extract as its key ingredient.

Drinking Green Tea For Hair Growth

Experts recommend drinking a cup of this brew on a daily basis. After few months you can notice the visible results and will be thankful to the brew.

Try Recipes That Incorporate The Brew

Have you tried any of the green tea recipes yet? It’s easy to get results more quickly if you incorporate green tea into your food menu. For instance you can make matcha latte, green tea cookies, and green tea ice-cream a part of your diet.

How To Prepare Green Tea?

Green tea preparation is quite different than that of black tea and milk tea we make at home. The steps are very simple but do keep in mind that proper temperature for steeping is very important to ensure its good taste and retain all the benefits of green tea. If you steep the leaves in very hot water say above 90°c they will become bitter. Here is an article – that explains how to make green tea with ease.

Now over to you. What do you think? Will you incorporate green tea or are you already a green tea lover? Have you noticed any health benefits?