
Amazing Way To Lose Weight Naturally! Green Tea And Yoga

We all want to exercise to lose weight, be fit and healthy, don’t we? But what do most of us do? We take a firm fitness resolutions which wither away slowly. For millions of people, weight loss is a struggle. It is the thing that plays continuously in their minds.  And is frequently dominating their food choices. However, opting for lower calorie diet and healthy beverages along with regular exercise is the only route to weight loss. This will lead to successful weight management.

Exercise To Lose Weight | Green Tea & Yoga

Here’s where the practice of yoga and consumption of Japanese green tea comes in. Since centuries, the elixir green tea is consumed after yoga to provide fourfold health benefits. For instance, yoga improves blood circulation. This in turn helps the antioxidants in green brew to get circulated properly in the body. Here is a fabulous article “Embrace Health with Yoga and Green Tea” that explains why Yoga instructors and enthusiasts have been appreciating this combination since years.  It also talks more about the advantages of green tea and yoga.

So, here are best exercise to lose weight that also help cut out stubborn flab. Practice them daily.  Have a nice cup of green tea post yoga exercise. And see how you lose weight on the go!

Cobra Pose, Followed By Green Tea

Green Tea Post Yoga
Green Tea After Yoga | Freepik

Practising Bhujangasana or Cobra pose will strengthen your spine, stretch the chest, shoulders, and abdomen. It also helps to firm the buttocks and relieve stress and fatigue. As per traditional texts, Bhujangasana is known to increase body heat, destroy disease, and awaken kundalini.

Bow Pose + Green Tea Drink To Lose Weight, Anyone?

Bow Pose - Dhanurasana
Bow Pose – Dhanurasana | Yanalya –

Dhanurasana or Urdhva Chakrasana or Bow Pose is a combination of Bhujangasana and Shalabhasana. In the asana you make your the spine bend backwards. This posture tones the abdomen which aids in curing prolonged constipation and other disorders of the stomach. Bow pose is also one of the best postures to strengthen your abdominal core. This motion gives your abdomen a full massage and back a good stretch.

Boat Pose & A Green Cuppa Can Make Your Day

Boat Pose - Navasana
Boat Pose Yoga and Green Tea | Yanalya –

Navasana is a great pose that develops flexibility in the hamstring muscles. It is great for strengthening the core, abdominals, back and lower muscles all at the same time. Practicing it will help you reduce belly fat and give you a beautiful flat abs. The asana is also an excellent exercise to lose weight.

Plank Pose – Good For Belly Fat Reduction

Plank Pose - Yoga Fitness
Planking to Strengthen and Tone your Body |Freepic.diller –

Planking engages multiple muscle groups simultaneously. This is the reason why it has become increasingly popular for core strengthening. This is the simplest yet most effective pose in yoga to lose stomach fat and lose weight. This yoga pose will help to strengthen and tone your arms, wrists, spine, the abdomen, buttocks and thighs. It helps digestion as well.

Wind Relieving Pose

Wind Relieving Pose
Wind Relieving Pose | Freepik

To firm and tone the muscles of abdomen, thighs and hips, Wind relieving yoga pose  is best. It regulates acid levels of stomach, relieve lower back pain, cures constipation and improves metabolism.