Green Tea Detox

Morning Detox Rituals For A Healthy Life

Detoxifying your body early in the morning will set the tone for the day and help you promote a healthy life. The polyphenols and antioxidants in green tea supports body’s natural detox system. Therefore, green tea for detox can make all the difference to the toxins you are able to release. Apart from green tea, select from any of the below rituals to follow everyday. Consequently, you will surely start to see life-changing benefits over time.

Green Tea For Detox & Other Early Morning Rituals

What are some of the most devoutly followed early morning rituals, apart from drinking green tea, for leading healthy lives… read on.

  • Waking Up Early

Getting up early will pay big dividends in the detoxing process. Many health experts opine that the way you define your day is directly related to the way you wake up in the morning. Moreover, rising early helps to boost your metabolism by putting you in sync with the way the body works. Since, it is the time when your bowel and bladder are ready to be emptied. Sleeping later only delays the release of the toxins and increases the possibility of their back-flow.

  • Oil Pulling

Oil pulling can be set as one of the top morning rituals. Take a spoonful of coconut oil and swish it in your mouth for 5 to 20 minutes. It is advised to do this before brushing your teeth, drinking water, or eating anything. This prevents the bacteria and toxins that have accumulated in the mouth from entering the body. It also frees up your immune system by reducing the toxic load. Spit the oil out when you’re done.

  • Apple Cider Vinegar

Add a tablespoon or two of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water or green tea for detox. You may also add a little honey in it. This healthy beverage will flush out toxins form the body.  Apple cider vinegar is also known to help with weight loss.

  • Lemon Water

Drinking a glass of warm lemon water will fire up your digestive system. This natural beverage helps to hydrate the body after a night of sleep.

  • Protein Packed Eggs For Breakfast

Eggs serve as great breakfast. The protein in eggs is important to gear up your metabolism. It will also make you feel satisfied for much of the morning and help you avoid snacking. In addition, you will be burning calories as you go about your day.

  • Lift Weights For 20 Minutes / Exercise / Yoga

One of the healthiest things you can do in the morning is get your body moving. Indulge in an intense physical activity. You can even try a series of poses and positions known as sun salutations that cover all of your bases in just a few minutes. If you’re feeling ambitious and if time permits , do any other exercise you enjoy, including jogging, or lifting weights. Building muscle is a sure way to increase metabolic rate as it puts your body in fat-burning mode. Moreover, simply starting your day with an activity will give you greater chance of staying active and energetic all day.

  • Hydration Plus Green Tea Detox Benefits

Water is a big calorie burner and helps your body to flush out the toxins. Dehydration will only slow down the metabolism as well as the calorie burning process. So, drink lots of water to keep your bowels and digestive system well-lubricated while giving your metabolism a little boost.